Source code for anchor_python_visualization.embeddings.features

"""Loading and labelling embeddings."""

__author__ = "Owen Feehan"
__copyright__ = "Copyright (C) 2021 Owen Feehan"
__license__ = "MIT"
__version__ = "0.1"

import argparse
import os
from typing import Optional

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

from ._identifiers import select_or_create_identifiers
from ._labels import labels_from_identifiers
from .label import LabelledFeatures

[docs]COLUMN_NAME_IDENTIFIER: str = "identifier"
"""Name for index column."""
"""Optional placeholder used in image_dir argument."""
[docs]def load_features(args: argparse.Namespace) -> LabelledFeatures: """Loads the embeddings from a CSV file and determines identifiers and labels. This determination occurs according to command-line arguments. Args: args: the command-line arguments. Returns: newly-created instance of features after having being loaded. """ # Read all columns, text and number features = _read_csv(args.file_path_to_csv, encoding=args.encoding) # Find the numeric and string columns numeric_columns = features.select_dtypes(include=np.number) string_columns = features.select_dtypes(include=["object"]) # Extract or create identifiers for the data-frame identifiers = select_or_create_identifiers(string_columns, numeric_columns) features_with_identifiers = _add_row_names(numeric_columns.copy(), identifiers) # Take the first string col as the row names (index) return LabelledFeatures( features_with_identifiers, _derive_group_label_from_identifiers( features_with_identifiers, args.max_label_index ), _maybe_image_paths( features_with_identifiers, args.image_path, args.image_sequence ), )
def _read_csv(file_path_to_csv: str, encoding: str) -> pd.DataFrame: """Reads the CSV from the file-system with a particular encoding.""" return pd.read_csv(file_path_to_csv, index_col=None, header=0, encoding=encoding) def _maybe_image_paths( features: pd.DataFrame, image_directory_path: Optional[str], image_directory_sequence: Optional[str], ) -> Optional[pd.Series]: """Maybe creates a series of image-paths derived from the index names in data/frame. No paths are created if image_directory_path is None, and instead None is returned. Args: features: data-frame the images refer to. image_directory_path: iff present, the index name of data-frame (a relative path) for each feature row is appended/substituted to form a complete path to an image. image_directory_sequence: iff present, a six-digit integer sequence for each feature row is appended/substituted to form a complete path to an image. Returns: a series with an identical number of rows in identical order, or None. """ # If neither image_dir argument is set exit if (image_directory_path is None) and (image_directory_sequence is None): return None # If image_dir_path is set, form complete image-paths for each feature-row by using the path # (the label in the index) of the data frame to join or substitute if image_directory_path: return features.index.to_series().map( lambda path: _join_or_substitute(image_directory_path, path) ) # If image_dir_sequence is set, form complete image-paths for each feature-row using a six digit # sequence to join or substitute if image_directory_sequence: number_rows = len(features.index) sequence = pd.Series(range(0, number_rows)) return lambda number: _join_or_substitute( image_directory_sequence, "{:06d}".format(number) ) ) def _join_or_substitute(image_directory: str, path: str) -> str: """Derives paths to images by either joining path to image_dir or substituting path into it. The sibustition occurs if the path contains a sub-string `PLACEHOLDER_FOR_SUBSTITUTION`. Both paths are normed so that directory-seperators match the execution environment. Args: image_directory: either the absolute path to a directory OR a such a path with a placeholder :code:`PLACEHOLDER_FOR_SUBSTITUTION` which can be substituted. path: the relative-path to an image. Returns: either the relative-path joined to image_dir or the relative-path substituted into image_dir in place of :code:`PLACEHOLDER_FOR_SUBSTITUTION`. """ if PLACEHOLDER_FOR_SUBSTITUTION in image_directory: return os.path.normpath(image_directory).replace( PLACEHOLDER_FOR_SUBSTITUTION, os.path.normpath(path), 1 ) else: return os.path.join(image_directory, path) def _add_row_names(features: pd.DataFrame, row_names: pd.Series) -> pd.DataFrame: """Adds a series as row-names to a data-frame.""" features[COLUMN_NAME_IDENTIFIER] = row_names features.set_index(COLUMN_NAME_IDENTIFIER, inplace=True) return features def _derive_group_label_from_identifiers( features: pd.DataFrame, max_label_index: int ) -> pd.Series: """Derives the first group (leftmost group in name) from the names of a data-frame.""" return pd.Series( list(labels_from_identifiers(features.index.values, max_label_index)), dtype="category", index=features.index, )