:orphan: :py:mod:`anchor_python_visualization.histogram_plot` ==================================================== .. py:module:: anchor_python_visualization.histogram_plot .. autoapi-nested-parse:: Plots a histogram from a CSV file that has `intensity` and `count` in two columns. --------------- Input Arguments --------------- * `--file_path_to_csv` a path to the CSV file. ------------- Example Usage ------------- Install the package in this repository, by: * `pip install .` (in the root of the checked out repository) or * `pip install git+https://github.com/anchoranalysis/anchor-python-visualization.git` :: python -m anchor_python_visualization.histogram_plot --file_path_to_csv D:\somedirectory\features.csv Module Contents --------------- Functions ~~~~~~~~~ .. autoapisummary:: anchor_python_visualization.histogram_plot.main .. py:function:: main() Entry point.