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Developer Guide - Anchor distribution Page What is an Anchor distribution? An Anchor distribution is a folder which contains all the jars and configuration-files to run Anchor. It has the following structure: Folder Description bin/ anchor-launcher.jar and associated helper-applications lib/ other anchor...
Developer Guide - Building Anchor Page Maven Anchor uses Apache Maven as a build tool. As a prior step, Maven should be installed locally, configured for the Anchor project. Assembly The anchor-assembly is a special module that doesn’t generate a .jar artifact, but rather assembles the output of other modules (artifacts) into...
Development Environment - GitHub Page Overview Anchor uses GitHub for several purposes: several code repositories containing all source-code needed to build Anchor storing distributions of Anchor in packages continuous integration via GitHub Actions, as seen in the .github/workflows subdirectory in repositories. package repository via GitHub Packages to...
Development Environment - Key Libraries Page Maven plugins Anchor uses several key libaries via Maven plugins: Project Lombok to reduce boilerplate code and duplication of code. Note its key features. spotless to automatically restyle Java code to match the Google Java Style Guide. <h2...
Development Environment - Maven Page Overview Anchor uses Apache Maven as a build automation tool. Maven combines: a build-tool (similar to Ant), and repositories for storing versioned artefacts (JARs). Important: Anchor currently uses Maven Version 3.3.9. There...
Development Environment - SonarCloud Page Overview Anchor uses SonarCloud for static code analysis - to search for potential bugs or style errors. Code is pushed after each push to a brach on GitHub.