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Maximum intensity projection

A maximum-intensity-projection can be applied:

  • across slices in a 3D image (across the z-dimension)
  • across multiple images

It finds the maximum across the corresponding voxels in many images / slices.

Across constant size images

anchor -t project/mean

Across varying size images

The following is similar to previous, but first resizes images to a particular size (1024x768 by default), and flattens any 3D image. This allows the operation to work with images of different sizes.

anchor -t project/meanResize

Example image

By way of example, we will show the results of the operation on some time-series images of a tennis player.

montage of time-series tennis photos

Note how the background is very similar across the frames.

It produces a maximum-intensity-projection across the images:

maximum-intensity-projection of time-series tennis photos

Mean intensity projection

This is similar to the previous projection except it finds the mean (average) of each voxel value across images.

It can be useful for background subtraction, or investigating the consistency of images.

anchor -t project/mean
anchor -t project/meanResize

mean-intensity-projection of time-series tennis photos

Minimum intensity projection

And similarly, but to find the minimum across the corresponding voxels in many images.

anchor -t project/min
anchor -t project/minResize

min-intensity-projection of time-series tennis photos

Standard-deviation intensity projection

And to find the standard-deviation across the corresponding voxels in many images.

This can be useful for identifying the pixels which change little over the course of a time-series.

anchor -t project/standardDeviation
anchor -t project/standardDeviationResize

standard-deviation-intensity-projection of time-series tennis photos

The original tennis time-series images come from the UCF101 video classification dataset, downloaded from Kaggle.


The images above all performed the projection on every input image. To instead, partition the inputs into groups, and perform a separate projection for each group use the -pg command-line option:

anchor -t project/meanResize -pg	# to partition by the first identifier element (directory).
anchor -t project/meanResize -pg 0	# identical to above
anchor -t project/min -pg 0:-2		# to partition by all elements, except the last.
anchor -t project/min -pg -1		# to partition by the last element.

Examples (montaged together) follow of project/mean and project/standardDeviation, as applied on groups in the fruits dataset:

mean-intensity-projection of groups of fruits

standard-deviation-intensity-projection of groups of fruits

Next steps

  • Use a projection to inform further analysis of time-series images / video, e.g:
    • to background subtract the mean-intensity.
    • to consider only regions with significant standard-deviation.