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Base classes

  1. All custom platform exceptions should inherit from AnchorCheckedException and AnchorRuntimeException.
  2. Two additional abstract classes AnchorFriendlyCheckedException and AnchorFriendlyRuntimeException indicate exceptions which are guaranteed to have either:
    • either a user-friendly error message describing whats going wrong.
    • simply nest another exception, with a blank "" message.

Design contract of throwing the exceptions

By throwing a friendly exception, the developer promises that simply displaying this exception (and the messages of its nested causes) are sufficient to explain the error to the end-user.

By throwing a non-friendly, this implies that more information (e.g. a stack trace) should be shown to the user, so they can figure out what went wrong.

Longer-term progression towards friendly-exceptions

As stack-traces are ugly to display to the end-user, it is planned over time:

  1. Turn more custom-exceptions into friendly exceptions.
  2. Eliminate friendly-exceptions with blank "" messages (containing only a nested exception). Insist on messages.
Tags: architecture